Ajay D'souza

Ajay D'souza
Sales engineer

Hi, I’m Ajay - a simple person who is also a quick learner, able to handle multiple tasks and always eager to learn new skills.

What has been a significant highlight of working at SKT?

A positive working environment, excellent support from the colleagues and management.

Who or What inspires you?

Our CEO Mr. Daniel & COO Mrs. Dorothy Fernandes - their energy, dedication, care towards the organization and its employees.

What is the proudest moment in your professional career & personal life?

The proudest moment in my professional career was when I got my first purchase order from the customer.
There are many proud moments in my personal life, one of the proudest being when my wife was selected for the Oman Womens National Cricket team as a player.

Name an interesting thing you have learned in 2020

Participating in online training sessions and meetings. The importance of social media platforms for marketing.