Walter Lobo

Walter Lobo
Senior Sales Executive - Key Accounts

What has been a significant highlight of working at SKT?

Suleyum Al Kiyumi Trading has helped me grow & learn as an individual by increasing my knowledge & helping me develop my skills. I love the work culture & everyone here is a joy to work with. I am made to feel like a valued asset within the organization.

Who or What inspires you?

Our CEO has been a great source of encouragement & support system to me. He has taught me the importance of creating opportunities with clients. As a salesperson, I have learned to approach every client with the idea of helping them; to solve their issues by paying attention to their needs & only then propose the appropriate solutions or products.

What is the proudest moment in your professional career & personal life?

The one incident that comes to my mind when I think of a proud moment in my professional life is the day I closed the first Data Centre opportunity for SKT from the Ministry of Finance with Canovate. The joy I experienced that day cannot be expressed in words.

Prayer takes the highest priority when it comes to my personal life. I cannot remember any particular incident, but Thank & Praise God that I never had to take a day off due to any illness in my 18+ years of service.

Name an interesting thing you have learned during the recent quarantine

The most important trait I picked up was to learn how to give myself a decent haircut. My wife has called me a hero & I believe that is the highest form of praise.

I never imagined that at this age it would be possible to pick up on newer technology, but this quarantine has taught me that a little patience & perseverance goes a long way in achieving what one has set out for! I can now confidently say that I can handle the “quarantine essential work apps” like Zoom, Google Meet, Go To Meeting, etc.

I also learned quite a bit from the refresher trainings on different products lines and sales skills brush-up sessions organized by the company.